Friday, October 7, 2011

What did YOU learn today?

Let's be much have we learned since the last time we were in school?

After to talking to high school and college friends and a few family members (all in various professional fields), I've discovered that very few of my peers participate in "academic learning" after leaving academic institutions. Of course, they receive training and ongoing education in their professional fields, but I'm noticing that learning for the sake of learning isn't really a priority after we're issued a diploma. I'm guilty too.

My administrator sent out a link to the Khan Academy a while ago, and I've been obsessed with the website ever since. ANYTHING you want to learn about with math, science, or the humanities is listed on the site, with videos that explain everything. I watched a video about scale that blew my mind, and it got me thinking...maybe I should try to learn something new once in a while. Maybe not everyday, perhaps just once a week or a month. That way, I can still identify with my students in the sense that learning something new isn't always easy. I think that as adults, we forget that sometimes.